The Garden

We actively promote children’s development outdoors as we understand the importance and potential of a well resourced outdoor environment that is rich in learning opportunities. To ensure children can use the garden throughout the year the garden was designed using astro turf. There is also excellent shading in place to ensure the garden can be used throughout the warmer months enabling children to play safely protected from the direct sunlight. This is also very beneficial when it rains as children continue to benefit from the fresh air and exercise without getting wet. Superb activities, such as a well stocked mud kitchen and a deconstructed role play as well as an abundance of natural materials capture the children’s imagination and enthusiasm while playing in the garden. Children delight in picking their own produce they have grown and tasting the crops at snack and mealtime.

In addition the babies and toddlers relish their time in their dedicated garden. They too have a mud kitchen and an area for digging and growing. Cosy pods provide babies with the opportunity to sit comfortable while enjoying fresh air and the outdoor environment. They can toddle with ease using the ‘push along’ toys and squeal with delight when using the swing.